Cisco CCNA Training - Day Three
I have survived day three of my Cisco CCNA training at [itt].
One might ask: "Why is a Microsoft web developer taking a class focused on CCNA certification?"
I have many objectives for taking this class - none of them have to do with CCNA. My primary motivation for taking this class is to validate its reputation. I have heard about students having "religious" experiences while taking this class. In other words, this class is so good, that students are emotionally inspired to take themselves beyond their comfort zone to learn what is needed to reach maximum learning potential in just 5 days. My conclusion so far is that it is the best classroom experience I've ever had. I will post a blog later when I have compiled all my notes as to why this is the case.
This third day was branded "Routing Day" by my instructor, Mike Storm. My favorite take-away today was how to use static routes to override dynamic routing (and why). On this day, the concepts learned on day two were brilliantly applied.