Nuno Gomes /* ASP.NET Adventures */
var myInterests = new { language : "C#", technology: "ASP.NET" };
Viking Law #1
Today, while reading this old post from Emil Gustafsson about the Viking Laws and how they can be projected into the software development context, I just can’t stop thinking that his first law interpretation is missing one of the most important, if not not the most important, commandment.
Enum types, FlagsAttribute & Zero value – Part 2
In my previous post I wrote about why you should pay attention when using enum value Zero.
Enum types, FlagsAttribute & Zero value
We all know about Enums types and use them every single day. What is not that often used is to decorate the Enum type with the FlagsAttribute.
OpenXML error “file is corrupt and cannot be opened.”
From time to time I ear some people saying their new web application supports data export to Excel format.
ELWEA - EventLog WebEvent Aggregator for ASP.NET
Last time I wrote about Health Monitoring was during 2008 and since then I ‘m using, on a daily basis, a complex Health Monitoring EventLog provider to aggregate WebEvents from specific ASP.NET web applications.
.NET – ArrayList hidden gem
From time to time I end-up finding really old hidden gems and a few days ago I found another one.
ASP.NET Controls - System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlButton client click hits the server twice
Hi all,
Patch For ASP.NET Vulnerability Available
Microsoft has published a Security Advisory (2416728) about a security vulnerability in ASP.NET on Saturday, September 18th. This vulnerability exists in all versions of ASP.NET and was publically disclosed late Friday at a security conference.
jQuery UI on the Microsoft CDN
Microsoft is now hosting jQuery UI on the Microsoft Ajax CDN (uncompressed and compressed versions) as well as all the pre-built themes.
2010 Microsoft® MVP Award
It’s now official and public. I was reward with the MVP award in ASP/ASP.NET.