PDC10 – Keynote

A New Era of Opportunity

Steve Ballmer – CEO @ Microsoft

Device: Windows 7, Windows Phone 7, XBOX 360

Internet Explorer and HTML5 is the glue to bring all of them together

Cloud: Windows Azure, SQL Azure, XBOX Live, Bing, Office 365, Windows Live

Internet Explorer 9 and HTML5

  • Features
    • Rich Graphics
    • Next Level of Interactivity
    • Same Markup
  • Fast, Clean, Trusted and Interoperable
  • The most downloaded Beta ever

Dean Hachamovitch – IE 9

  • Samples:
    • KFXP
    • Track Splash
  • Pin Sites to the Taskbar
  • Interact with Windows 7 Jump Lists, Sneak Peek, Previews and so on using JavaScript
  • IE9 Platform Preview 6 Available Today – http://ietestdrive.com


Windows Phone 7

  • Different kind of phone, UX paradigm
  • New developer perspective
  • User as the Central point of the UX

   Amazon Kindle App for Windows Phone 7

Scott Guthrie – VP @ Microsoft – Developing Windows Phone 7 App

  • New Capabilities in the Future of Windows Phone 7 Tools
    • Performance Analysis Tool
      • Available information out-of-the-box:
        • Frame rate
        • CPU Usage
        • Storyboard

Windows Azure with Bob Muglia – President @ Microsoft

  • Cloud Computing this really gives us IT as a Service
    • IaaS
    • PaaS
    • SaaS
  • Comparing Platforms Today and PaaS
Focus/Model Platform Today Platform as a Service (PaaS)
Management Server, VM, Network, Storage, App App
Maintenance Patch, Service Release, New Version Maintained for you
Deployment Assembly Required Read-Made Services
Deployment Custom, Inconsistent Standardization
Performance Plan for Peak Load On-Demand Scale
Failure Built to avoid and recover from failure Built to
  • Windows Azure
    • Foundation: Compute, Storage, Networking, Identity & Security
    • Services: Web, HPC, Caching, Messsaging, Workflow, Content Delivery
    • Information: Relational Databases, Reporting & Analysis, Data Sync
    • Tools: Visual Studio, System Center
  • Windows Azure Platform
    • Windows Azure
    • SQL Azure
      • SQL Server: Designed to run on one server or in a cluster of Servers
      • SQL Azure: Designed to run on thousands of servers across Data Centers with backups and so recoverability and so on
    • .NET
    • Visual Studio
    • System Center
  • You Decide: Language, Development Framework, Development Tool, Management Tool, Data Center (Windows Azure Appliance)
  • Vision: It’s All about the App
    • Move
      • Announcing:
        • Windows Azure Virtual Machine Role
        • Server Application Virtualization
        • Image Creation in the Cloud coming up next Year
    • Enhance
      • Announcing:
        • Extra small Instance
        • Remote Desktop
        • Full IIS
        • Startup Tasks
        • Virtual Network
        • Elevated Privileges
        • Windows Server 2008 R2 Roles
        • Multiple Administrators
        • Windows Connect
          • Access to on-premise resources for cross-premise apps
          • Support for Domain-joining VMs
          • Direct role-instance connectivity for easier development
          • Use your existing remote administrator tools
        • Windows Azure AppFabric
          • Access Control (Support for OAuth, LiveId, GoogleId, Facebook,  …)
          • Caching
            • Windows Server AppFabric Caching in the Cloud
            • Same API as the On-premise version
          • Service Bus ( now supports Biztalk connections )
        • SQL Azure
        • New Windows Azure Platform Management Portal
        • Multiple users & roles for management
    • Transform
      • Windows Azure AppFabric
        • Announcing:
          • Composite App Service & Workflow
            • You can use this to composite apps using services not only from Azure
          • Composition Model
          • Tools
              • Visual Tools for Visual Studio 2010 for modeling your
  • Windows Azure Connect plugin is very cool
  • Visual Studio Team Foundation Server on Windows Azure
  • Announcing Windows Azure Marketplace TODAY
    • Data Market (Previously known as Project “Dallas”

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