MIX11 - Day Two Keynote - Windows Phone 7 Part

Joe Belfiore (Corporate VP)

Passionate Community (#wp7dev)

www.youtube.com/windowsphone video done by Brandon Foy - @brandonfoy – brandonfoy.tv

Windows Phone 7

  • Updates
    • Why are the updates later then expected?
      • Problems with some vendor phones with some problems from the factory.
    • Who decides when an update can actually ship?
      • For open phones Microsoft ships updates directly
      • For Operator Phones they require the Operator Testing Process Approval


  • Current Nearly 12.000 apps in the MarketPlace currently


  • Future / Next Steps
    • Significant update in the fall. Codename Mango
    • Features in Mango for Developers
      • Opportunity
        • Areas that Microsoft is working on:
          • Ecosystem
          • Countries
          • Discoverability
        • What to expect?
          • Enable More Countries and more places
          • Scale of users
            • IDC & Gartner suggest that by 2015 Windows Phone will be the second largest ecosystem in the world
          • Creation and Commerce
            • Supporting 16 more languages
            • More Countries that you can create apps – from 30 to 38
            • Increase the number of countries that you can buy apps – from 16 to 35
          • What that the Experience and Discoverability will be made easier when looking for apps in the marketplace
            • Hunting for an installed app is hard
              • JumpLists in the app list like in the people/contacts
              • Search in the app list
              • Search on MarketPlace
                • More Metadata available
                • Separate pivots for each type of app
              • Buying Process
                • Pivot in the App information prior to buying
            • Multi-Tasking UI
            • Announcement: Search Extras
              • Helping integrating extra apps in the search experience
      • Capability
        • Areas Areas that Microsoft is working on:
          • Browser
          • Phone Integration
          • Multi-Tasking
        • Support for IE9 in the Windows Phone 7
        • Announcement: Background Audio is supported for Apps and HTML5
        • Announcement: Support for video H.264
        • Comparing Browsers in Phones in the Speed Reading sample:
          • iPhone 4 – 2 FPS (frames per second)
          • Windows Phone 7 – 26 FPS (frames per second)
          • Nexus S – 11 FPS (frames per second)
        • Phone Integration
          • User Experience Enhancements
            • Improvement in the Panorama and Pivot Control
            • Live Tiles Improvements
              • Animations
              • Ways to the developer updating the live tiles
          • Support for TCP/IP sockets
          • Built-in SQL Database
          • more launchers & choosers
          • Access to Contacts & Calendar
          • Sensors
            • Raw Camera Data
            • Compass
            • Gyro
          • Announcement: Skype for Windows Phone 7 will be available this fall
          • Announcement: Adding you own audio files and make done into ringtones
          • Announcement: Live Tiles with Deeplinking to your apps
          • Coding Sensors made easy
            • Announcing Motion Sensor API
          • Multi-Tasking
            • Fast App switching
            • Background Audio
            • File Download Service
            • Alarms
          • Announcement: Angry Birds coming to Windows Phone 7 in the 25th of May.
          • Announcement: Live Agents
            • To run code in background but having it battery efficient
          • Announcement: Developer Tools will be available Next Month
      • Dev Experience
        • Talking about it: Scott Guthrie (Corporate Vice President)
        • Event Better Tools
          • Microsoft Visual Studio 2010
            • New Capabilities for the Emulator
              • Controlling the accelerometer
              • Simulating Gestures
              • Simulating Location (GPS)
            • Announcement: New Profiling Support
              • Identity Hotspots and pinpoint them
              • Based on:
                • Execution Time
                • Memory
              • Provides helpful warnings for the part that is being analyzed
              • See the Call Stack
              • Analyze per frame basis
          • Microsoft Expression Blend
        • Microsoft Internal Windows Phone 7 Performance Optimizations in the Mango Release
          • Scrolling and Input
            • User input is done now on a background thread instead of the UI Thread
          • Image Decode
            • Done in a background Thread not blocking the UI Thread
          • Garbage Collection
          • Memory Usage
            • 25 to 30% memory improvement without any changes needed to be made to our apps
        • Capabilities
          • Database
            • Includes a Built-in Local SQL Database (SQL CE)
            • Support Linq
            • Built-in full ORM
          • Support for Network Sockets
            • Just the same code needed for Silverlight 4
          • Camera
            • Apps can now control directly the camera, having access to the RAW video
          • Graphics
            • You can now do apps that compose both XNA and Silverlight at the same time
          • More than 1.500 new APIs

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