MIX11–Day One Keynote – Internet Explorer Part

Dean Hachamovitch (Corporate Vice President)

  • HTML5: Native Windows
    • Real-World HTML5 Applications
      • Features
        • GPU Acceleration
        • Site Pinning
        • JumpLists Integration
        • SVG Integration
      • Applications
        • FourSquare
        • DirectorsCut
        • PacMan
        • Test Drive Site: PaintBall Application
    • Moving the Web Forward. How?
      1. Embrace Emerging Web Technologies
      2. Make them Competitive with “Native Applications”
      3. Use Hardware Acceleration
      4. Make them Site-Ready
      5. Use the Same Markup
      6. Embrace Web Standards
      7. Listen to Community Engagement
      8. Deliver Platform Previews
    • IE9 Patterns
      • Included Elements
        • Standards
          • HTML5
            • Inline SVG, Parsing Rules, XHTML, Selection APIs, Canvas, Audio & Video, Semantic Tags, Geolocation
          • SVG 1.1
            • A document as image or object, inline in HTML
          • CSS 3n
            • Selection, Namespaces, Colors, Values, Backgrounds and Borders, Fonts, Media Queries, 2D Transforms
          • DOM
            • Core, Events, Style and Range, …
          • ECMAScript 262
            • Faster JavaScript
          • Graphics and Focus
            • JPEG-XR, TIFF, …
          • Web Performance
            • Navigation Timing
          • Privacy
            • Tracking Protection
        • Community
          • Preview Builds
            • Updates approximately every 8 weeks
          • Forums
            • more open feedback programs
            • HTML5 Labs
          • Standards
            • W3C Participation
          • Open Testing
            • Cooperative W3C test results
        • Note: the Bold elements were added due to Community feedback
    • Demo Recap: IE10
      • Performance: Fishbowl
      • CSS3 MultiColumn Layout
      • CSS3 Grid Layout and CSS3 Flexible Box Layout
      • ECMAScript 5 Strict Mode
      • CSS3 Gradients
      • CSS3 Transitions and CSS3 3D Transforms
    • What’s Next
      • Take Advantage of IE9 Today
      • Emerging Standards at HTML5 Labs for your experimentation
      • Take and Early Look of IE10

Save the Date: Announcing Microsoft next Developer Conference – September 13-16, 2011. Anaheim - California

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