MIX11 – Day One Keynote – Developer Platform Part

Scott Guthrie ( Corporate Vice President )

Shipped over the Last 12 months:

  • Visual Studio 2010
  • ASP.NET 4.0
  • WebMatrix & IIS Express
  • Razor Syntax

Launched the nuGet project

Contributed for Open Source projects like jQuery


  • Announced Today a Refresh for ASP.NET MVC 3 tools that include:
    • HTML 5
    • jQuery 1.5 + Modernizr
    • Entity Framework 4.1 (Shipping officially today)
      • Includes the CodeFirst capability
    • Scaffolding support in VS2010
    • Preinstalled nuGet Packages


  • Popular WebMatrix Helpers
    • Facebook
    • PayPal
    • Twitter
    • TemplateMonster.com
    • WuFoo
    • polldaddy
    • bit.ly
    • UserVoice
    • get Satisfaction
    • Scribd
    • DISQUS
    • Foursquare
    • PlanCast
    • EventBrite
    • GroupOn
  • Web Application Ecosystem
    • Several OpenSource Web Applications

Orchard CMS

  • Built on ASP.NET MVC 3

Windows Azure

  • Focus on Apps not Infrastructure
  • Scale elastically
  • Pay only for the resources that you use
  • Announcements
    • v2 of Access Control Service
    • Caching
    • CDN
    • Traffic Manager

Niels Hartviq – Umbraco CMS

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