My app 'Howzzat Book–Windows 8 Metro App is in the store now

I’m just so excited that my application Howzzat Book passed all certifications and is now in the Windows Store. Here’s the email from MIcrosoft that I received:

“Your app is in the Windows Store!

Congratulations! Howzzat Book, release 1 is now in the Windows Store. Use this link to your app’s listing in the Windows Store to let others know about your app.”

Link for Howzzat Book

Now, since they’ve just added it to the store, it might take some time to be available for download. So if you don’t find it soon after you read this blog, please try again in a few.

The application helps you to get the ratings of a book from various sites, so you can see it all on one screen. You can search either by (partial) book title or by an author name.

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