IBloggable - implemented
Local file access - Silverlight 4
I was successful in setting up my first virtual machine and install Visual Studio 2010 on it. I know I can run VS2010 side-by-side with VS2008, but I wanted to be absolutely sure I don’t corrupt/change any of my projects/solutions. Here’s the first of the ‘- Silverlight 4’ series and I hope to be doing more of these.
ASP.NET MVC ViewData.Eval() method
While digging deeper into MVC Views, I stumbled on this method – ViewData.Eval(). Found it interesting and researched and played with some code around this method.
Silverlight – a progressive journey
I’m sure you’ve all heard of Silverlight 4 beta release at the PDC09. The announcement took me by surprise as I upgraded my projects to Silverlight 3 a couple of months back and then MS announces the next version… huh?. Here’s the release story of Silverlight.
Prism - MVVM - Silverlight gotcha's
This is an extension to my previous blog where I showed my first application using Prism and Silverlight. As for this article, I just want to share the "gotcha's" I learned through a slightly more complex and a real-world (ish) application.
Programming Silverlight with MVVM pattern using Prism
Here’s what I wanted to do:
Windows 7 – Clock messed up?
It was just before 6p and I was working on some Silverlight-PRISM thingi (technical jargon), when I clicked on the clock instead of the ‘Show Desktop’ icon on my Windows 7 machine. I was extremely surprised to see the clock like this:
VS 2010 ASP.NET 4.0 RedirectPermanent does a 301 and not 302
Essential Silverlight 3 – a must read
Hats off to the author Ashraf Michail for his book Essential Silverlight 3. This book is a must read for anyone who wants to delve into Silverlight programming.
…more Visual Studio shortcuts
Bumped into some shortcut keys while playing with Silverlight.
Custom 404 when no route matches
Playing with MVC gets interesting every time.