Nauman Leghari's Blog
Blog about technology, media and other interesting tidbits
IronPython and Cecil
Inspired by this post by Sam Gentile, I decided to play with Cecil. And this gives me another oppurtunity to use IronPython. The end result may not be very attractive but it has the potential :).
Fun with IronPython and Cecil
Don't miss Part II of this tutorial
What is Cecil: -
Cropper :: Send To FTP Plugin
I personally use my own host to store snapshots that I embed on this blog. Normally the workflow from taking the snapshot to FTP'ing on the server requires three steps.
LinkList 26032007
Gemstone, Tangosol Offering Native .NET Clients to Distributed Data Caches -
Younx 0.2 released - Reminders support
I have just released 0.2 for Younx. Now you can schedule reminders by using the following syntax.
Learning OOP/Programming :: Try Greenfoot & BlueJ
At Java Tech Days today, I came across an exciting project called GreenFoot to introduce people to Object oriented programming by creating interesting real world examples. GreenFoot is based on the BlueJ platform which you may already know about. BTW, BlueJ pioneered ( or was it Smalltalk? ) the Object Test bench which is introduced in VS2005.
Younx @ CodePlex
Just finished updating the project on Codeplex. Now the new home of Younx is
Younx - Adding CAPTHA over IM + SMS
I finally come up with the name for this project.
New mashups using BT SDK
From the website:
Using MSMQ from IronPython
Trying out MSMQ from Python is a pain as it is from unmanaged code. But, by using python you get the benefits of using the System.Messaging namespace with the flexibility of dynamic code. Here is how you can do this.