Nauman Leghari's Blog
Blog about technology, media and other interesting tidbits
Never too late to learn
[Does your business need an integration expert with deep knowledge of Lotus Notes, Microsoft Access, .NET plus a masters in IT? Maybe not today, but 77-year-old Ian Findlay is betting he'll soon be hot property again. That's why he is embarking on a Masters in IT at Charles Sturt University in NSW. read more]
[via Zulfikar] -
Yahoo! to buy Overture
[Internet company acquiring former paid search provider for $1.6B in cash and stock. read more.]
How to create your own Matrix Wallpaper?
I was surfing through the .NET Desktop contest where most of the entries are Matrix related. While browsing for related wallpapers, I found a tutorial on how to create your own Matrix wallpaper using Photoshop.
Do What You Love
Now, you may think that your passion for Icelandic poetry of the baroque period, or butterfly collecting, or golf [^] or social justice [^] might consign you to a permanent separation between what you love and what you do for a living, but it isn't necessarily so. Vladimir Nabokov, one of the greatest novelists of this centurey, was far more passionate about butterfly collecting than writing. His first college teaching job, in fact, was in lepidoptery. REsearch on more than 400,000 Americans over the past 40 years indicates that pursuing your passions [^] even in small doses, here and there each day [^] helps you make the most of your current capabilities and encourages you to develop new ones.
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