Ideas and Coffee at 3.47 AM
Some half baked beans... Tao, Zen and the art of converting coffee into ideas...
Is Code Folding that bad...?
I am a huge fan of Jeff Atwood and Coding Horror. I usually like his stuff. But I somehow didn't agree too much to his post where he talks about Code Folding (#region). I mean of course I also agree with a few things that he says, so let me put them down here:
Do it smart: Shortcut Keys
Most interesting short cut keys on Visual Studio 2008:
Funny Behavior of Google Talk
I was booting up my machine. I had just logged in and all the apps were firing up one by one. So I must have fired up something and might be typing into it, when Google Talk fired up in between. So everything that I had just written went into the google talk sign in textbox.
Planning to join Google...? Think again.
Sarang just posted on his blog about this post. And it really impressed me. So I thought it has to be mentioned about on my blog too. I specially like the part where he says that Google's idea of business is to amuse and attract people. And that most of Google's product promote wasted online time.
How intuitive can ya get...
You go to Team Explorer bar and double click on "Source Control". This fires up the Source Control Explorer. Now you double click a few thousand times to reach the directory that you wanted to reach and you do something that you couldn't have perhaps done from outside the Source Control Explorer, like a file check out perhaps. Now you want to do something with that file which perhaps you can't do from inside the source control explorer like copy pasting some other files in and out of this directory, perhaps. So basically you require the location of the file that you just checked out. so you see this:
If Microsoft Goes Hostile on Yahoo... Amazing Read...
Joins in LINQ... What do I return?
I want to write a select query that returns all the data in a table? this is how it would go:
Update on future plans on my career... Just a reminder...
So what do you feel like when you first board the mother ship. Death...! yeah... for someone who has been growing and dreaming and aiming high all his life (only such a person usually boards the mother ship)... where do you go once you join Microsoft...
Can't create Event Source to Log Exceptions in Asp.Net...;en-us;329291
Command Copy exited with Code 1
If you get that error message, it is usually because you have configured your application to run some batch copy commands either just before the build of the app or after it. So go to Project Properties -> Build Events and check if there are any pre-build events or post-build events with any copy command. This usually happens when you get a version of legacy code that some other developer has written and are working on some fixes.