Natty Gur
Enterprise Architect on Enterprise Architecture
Related EA posts of mine
How to retire (respectfully) legacy systems
Information Architecture - The bridge between Business and IT Business Capabilities and Business Strategy
Consolidation of CRM solutions
Creating IT strategy (with a little help from enterprise architecture)
Enterprise Architecture Meta-model, size doesn't matter
Enterprise architecture work Case studies
Using Enterprise Architecture for forecast and implementation of Merges and Acquisition(M&A)
Using Enterprise Architecture to reduce IT costs ( a cookbook for IT cost reduction)
Business Capabilities (a practical guide)
Using enterprise architecture for creating long term IT planning (roadmaps)
What can be done with enterprise architecture
Principles as enterprise architecture outcome
blueprint - an enterprise architecture outcome
How to build practical enterprise architecture team
Modeling application dependencies
Can enterprise architects be young?
Using Hungarian Cube to demonstrate enterprise architecture
Enterprise architecture frameworks are dead, long live real-life practice !
IT('s) Simple!
How to do inormation architecture (in 20 days)
What really makes you Enterprise Architect
Information Architecture (What need to be collected and modeled)
Information Architecture (What is information architecture)
Enterprise Architecture in SAP world
Sorting SA diagrams by EA domain
Reference model for EA definitions and views
What I expect from a vendor EA framework
Business concept
It's not SOA it's IT 2.0
10 standards (including standard de facto) that Enterprise Architect should know
Proven way to run your Enterprise Architecture practice
The triangle of complexity and the square of success for EA projects
What is a service (part II)
How to publish your EA work
SOA implementation types, from the Chinese city to the European city
What is a Service
The utopia of one dictionary for the enterprise
How your IT chassis will look like - Part 1
Are your IT vehicles based on one chassis?
Enterprise architecture modeling example
Enterprise architecture is just another systematic approach
SOA, It’s not about the IT It’s about the Business.
Business capabilities or business processes
The Data-Centric Enterprise: A Blueprint for EA - Listen to the audio and watch the - slides! (Running time: 59 minutes)
Does enterprise architecture serve only for long term strategic plans?
Introducing NAAF.
Using enterprise architecture framework to map services and set their granularity
The “Natty” method for monitoring and encouraging systems compliance with the - enterprise architecture
What are Enterprise architecture patterns and how we should define them?
Enterprise architecture 10 common myths -
How to retire (respectfully) legacy systems
They served us for a long period of time, but (for different reasons that I wont cover in this post) now the time to say good bye and to retire them. Legacy systems exist in each and every enterprise and we all have the experience of retire them. The question is whether your enterprise have a predefine process to retire legacy systems or is just process that happened? In this post I'll try to share a retirement process for legacy systems.
Using Hungarian Cube to demonstrate enterprise architecture
Information Architecture - The bridge between Business and IT
I'm modeling information architecture in three levels: conceptual, Logical and Physical. Conceptual information modeling is an effort to collect the main information types (something like subject areas) which is used by the business in order to reach enterprise's goals and objectives. Conceptual information example could be a Customer or Settlement. Logical data modeling is an effort to break conceptual information into logical entities. Each entity resemble set of data that is used by the business as one unit. Logical modeling also include capturing relations between entities and setting non-functional attributes for each entity (availability, security, Audit and control, Availability, backup, etc'). Physical modeling includes databases schemas and the relations between physical tables and logical entities.
Business Capabilities and Business Strategy
Part of the business architecture work that I'm doing is to get business goals and objectives. Business goals are the directions that the enterprise leadership mark to be achieved. Business goals set direction and they are usually high level and without any time dimension. Business objectives are much more specific, they are accurate, measurable, has time limitation and realistic . Each business goal has several objectives to support it. So, my first task is to collect business goals and objectives and map relations between them.
Using captured EA assets to generate estimated project plan
One of the tasks while doing EA is to collect relations between different enterprise assets (Roles, Units, Goals, Objectives, Business Capabilities, Information Objects, Entities, Applications, Products, Databases, Technologies, etc'). If the data already captured and maintained why won't we use it for a common task such as project estimation?
Consolidation of CRM solutions
This white paper demonstrates and discusses solution for fragmented IT, which known as one of the classic IT problems. For demonstrating the problem and solution I chose to use a real life scenario of pharmaceutical IT department. After several acquisitions, following by IT merging, this department found itself operating and maintains three CRM solutions. The target of the described work was to decrease CRM Solutions to one solution. Minimize CRM solution expected to help IT department to decrease IT budget and complexity.
Creating IT strategy (with a little help from enterprise architecture)
Creating IT strategy is one of the complicated task that I know. To create a good IT strategy, you have to use many ingredients from different types and sources. Those ingredients should be used in unique combination that can be cooked and then be served as a delicious Cake to different customers ( IT workers, IT management, Information workers, enterprise CxOs and sometimes the board). In this post I'll try to describe what, and who I manage to create an IT strategy.
Usually I tend to split my work into 6 main work streams:
Enterprise Architecture Meta-model, size doesn't matter
The starting point in the journey to create your enterprise architecture meta-model is to understand important principles, which usually takes time to understand:
Enterprise architecture frameworks are dead, long live real-life practice !
I can remember the first time that I read TOGAF. I was really amazed from what I read. After spending time to understand Zachman framework, TOGAF looks like a mature and practical EA framework. Each paragraph that I read had a lot of sense and it looks like I just need this framework book on my desk to start an Enterprise Architecture journey. This was almost 10 years ago and before I had any enterprise architecture experience.