Natty Gur
Enterprise Architect on Enterprise Architecture
Architecture pattern database - new pattern and content added.
I add new patterns and start to add content to patterns. I'll be happy to get any feedbacks and patterns.
.NET on the beach (Israel).
.NET on the beach (13-9). I'll be at the MVP booth come and meet me, if you want... :-).
Architecture patterns Database.
As part of creating/maintaining enterprise architecture a enterprise continuum that hold known architecture and architecture pattern is build. this Database should be use by enterprise architect when they are going through the phase of architecture building in order to find right pattern for existing needs. this site is an effort to develop such a database that will be shared by all of us so any new architecture or architecture pattern that will be mailed to me will be add to the database.
Architecture patterns Database
Moved to "The Enterprise Architecture online User group" :
On Architecture at Israeli VB user group - Sample code.
As I promise here are the code samples of the architecture presentation. I hope Jacky will uplod the presentation file in the next week (IVBG site) . feel free to call me for any question.
On Architecture at Israeli VB user group
I'm speaking today at Israeli VB user group. My main goal is to go through different architectural approaches (Layers, Hexagonal, naked objects, entity oriented, pluggable, etc) and main architectural patterns (Domain logic, Data source, O-R structural, presentation, and more).
Can I apply for this job??? suits me!
Here’s to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the trouble makers, the round pegs in the square holes, the ones who see things differently.
FxCop rules contest.
I won Visual Assist X (1-user license) at Codeproject (article contest) and I really don’t need it. So here is the deal, the one that will send me most of rules for FxCop (Design rules preferred) will get this Visual Assist X (1-user license). All of the rules (including their sender) will be published here.
Enterprise Navigation mechanism.
As every average enterprise my domain also contains many systems develop by many development tools and running on several operation systems. We’ve got Natural/Adabas applications running on MF, Java applications running on Sun and Linux machine, COM, .NET, Delphi, Magic systems running on Windows machines and SAP applications. Most of our systems running as web applications, several as client/server applications and few using virtual terminal.
What are the main changes in IT world that will occur in the next 10 years?
As part of the interviews, that I go through lately, I was asked to mention 3 main changes that will happen in IT field within the coming 10 years. Well here my humble opinion: