Did you take in account grid computing while working on your enterprise architecture?
It’s pretty obvious that grid computing is one of the technologies that enterprises will use in order to solve CPU and RAM heavy consuming needs. the thing is that if your technical architecture include basic elements that support grid computing you might find yourself with bunch of systems that need re-designing and re-writing to make them grid computing enable.
Actually you need to follow RM-ODP (Reference Model for Open Distributed Processing http://www.dstc.edu.au/Research/Projects/ODP/ref_model.html ) transparency regulations, and you’ll be ready to move to grid computing. there still lots of work to be done, but you don’t need to re-design your systems.
Those transparencies include:
- Access – Transparency of data and information reacquired to interoperate with other system objects within the parent system or with other objects and components in interactive systems.
- Failure – Transparency of failures and exceptions within the system and transparency of the way to track them and recover from them.
- Location – Transparency of pointers, aliases and physical locations of the system components and interfaces used to connect between inner and outer components.
- Migration – Transparency of platform changes and migrates for system-objects which will enable fluency in accessing specific objects within theirs new platform or location.
- Relocation – Transparency of the regulated host relocations (e.g. storage clusters) of system entities to enable load-balancing of the application system.
- Replication – Transparency of duplication procedures of data and information within the system. (Databases, State controls)
- Persistence - Transparency of consistence to enable redundancy of objects and entities in cases of inaccessibility.
- Transaction – Transparency of the intermediations and transactions between the system data components. (e.g. XML schemes)