Model Driven Architecture (MDA)
Model Driven Architecture (MDA)
This post is a lesson from my previous post. MDA is a way to develop specifications and application without relying on specific target platform. MDA has been developed by the Open Management Group (OMG). MDA is based on 3 viewpoints:
- Computation Independent Model (CIM): this model describes how system will be used but hides how system will be implemented. CIM is kind of intermediate between the system practitioners and implementers.
- Platform Independent Model (PIM): PIM describe how the system will be implement but with platform less attitude. PIM describe system implementation but without relying on specific platform.
- Platform specific Model (PSM): PSM actually map certain PIM into specific platform abilities and constraints. That conversion take place by transformation PIM model into PSM model, or direct into code by using code generator. Code generating uses specific rules and templates in order to generate PSM code.
There’s even correlation between MDA viewpoints and RM-ODP viewpoints. For detailed description you might follow that link: