General model for information/systems.
Today we start out work in the information mapping group. Before starting to map the current situation we thought that we need to define what the general model for enterprise data and systems is. One of those organization main goals is to maximizing data sharing across the enterprise to enable users to get insight from data and achieve more business goals. So the model should emphasize the user’s needs to work with data and the enterprise need to share data across the organization. There are many system in our enterprise IT world, every one of them usually dedicate for one of the enterprise user groups. But each system generates certain amount of data which should be accessible from other systems.
So this flower kind of diagram defines the module. Every leading information entity with all of it depends information entities are actually one system that serve special users in the enterprise (developers) and generate data which should be accessible by other systems (marketing, management, etc’). The ellipses represent systems and information entities, the center cycle represents the share data that systems expose and the hoop represent information entities that are share between several leading information entities.
Now after agreeing on this module we can stop talking and start mapping the enterprise data entities to this diagrams parts.