Michael's Blog
ASP.NET and Embedded Development
Albert Weinert will talk about Ajax.NET Professional in Cologne, Germany
Alber Weinert is talking about Ajax.NET Professional (and details on JSON) in Cologne, Germany:"Ich halte am Dienstag, den 25.07.2006 wieder einen AJAX Vortrag [2]. Diesmal in Köln bei der . … more
Why addNamespace(...) is removed?
I removed addNamespace because of the missing support on older web browsers or mobile devices. The problem is that addNamespace will add a new property to the window object. This is working great on … more
Yahoo! Web Services Request and AjaxPro JSON Parser - I love it!
Yesterday night I build an example on how to use Yahoo! Web Services with the AjaxPro JSON parser. The example will call a Yahoo! Web Service with output type set to JSON (see http://developer.yahoo. … more
Download new JSON stand-alone library for Microsoft .NET 1.1/2.0
There is a new stand-alone version for JSON serialization/deserialization library available for Microsoft .NET 1.1/2.0. The JSON parser is extracted from my Ajax.NET Professional library and will be … more
Serializing Objects as JSON using Atlas, JSON.NET and AjaxPro [Part 2]
As there was a little discussion about serialization of .NET types and deserialization of these genereted JSON strings I have updated Ajax.NET Professional (version to allow parsing of new … more
AJAX Web Applications and Time Zones
Because I'm currently playing with a lot of AJAX frameworks I'm searching for the correct use of dates and times in web applications. Ajax.NET Professional is using time zone indentifier to know from … more
Why Ajax.NET Professional is using the __type property?
Ajax.NET Professional is using attributes, there is no need to inherit from special pages or include dummy web controls to do all the job, there is no need to write special source code. Any .NET … more
Serializing Objects as JSON using Atlas, JSON.NET and AjaxPro [Part 1]
I read the post from Scott Hanselman today comparing the internal use of JSON de-/serializer from the Atlas framework and Ajax.NET Professional. Scott writes that Ajax.NET Professional cannot … more
Google talk and "Binary and script behaviors"
Today I found something interesting when using different security in Internet Explorer settings. If Binary and script behaviors is disabled in internet sercurity settings Google talk user images are … more
Work off-line with Ajax
In Internet Explorer (and all other common web browsers) you have an menu item File -> Work off-line. What does this do with you web application? Of course, it is working offline, no communication … more