My input on the Audiobook, Clean Architecture by Robert C. Martin

I have to confess that since the past few years, video and audio trainings have become my main source of learning. Pluralsight, A Could Guru, Udemy, Coursera, YouTube, you name it!

I have been following Robert C. Martin (Uncle Bob) in Twitter for long, but never got a chance to read any of his books. While ago, finally and doubtfully I bought the Audiobook version of his book Clean Architecture. The book subject is very close to the code and implementation, and I was wondering how practical it would be in audio version. Without photo, without code!

Here I am writing my input over the audiobook. I gotta state that I have not read the paper copy of the book and therefore, can’t compare them.

I am not going to talk about the chapters and lessons. You can quickly look into the Table of Contents in the internet. Here is my two cents over the audiobook overall.

1. The audiobook is very well narrated. 

2. Being in software development industry for about two decades now, makes it difficult for me to say which level of software development experience or knowledge is needed to be able to get the most out of this book. But one thing for sure, this book (as most other architecture related books) is not meant for juniors or newbies. In other words, certain amount of knowledge and experience is required to be able to easily follow and understand the topics just by listening!

3. This is not an audiobook that you listen while in car, or running on treadmills! Focus is needed to follow the conetnts since narrator frequently refers to the code, and describes the structure, constructors, inputs, and outputs etc.

4. Robert C. Martin has his own way of teaching style, and he is a person who knows what he is talking about. That makes the whole journey of listening the audiobook fun.

Do I recommend this book?

Depends! Assuming you have already checked the Table of Contents of the book in the internet, if you are interested to refresh your mind about the mentioned topics, or want to listen to the audiobook out of fun, the I would recommend it.

If you are already confident with most of the topics in the book, or recently read a similar book, or you are looking to learn things that you think can’t be found in the internet or in other book, then I would not recommend it because it’s not going to satisfy you.

I am now listening to his Clean Agile audiobook and will write my feedback over it soon too.

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