DAV - Distributed Authoring and Versioning

I am going through the process of Uploading and Deleting Files on a remote webserver. When doing this I needed the ability to take a stream object and save it to a remote server. A bit different than the UploadFile() method on System.Net.WebClient.

It was a bit of a pain, so I figured I'd share it with others in order to save them the trouble.

public static WebResponse UploadFile( Stream _inputStream, NetworkCredential _cred, string _httpAddress )
          // setup request
          WebRequest request    = WebRequest.Create( _httpAddress );
          request.Credentials       = _cred;
          request.Method             = "PUT";
          request.ContentLength = _inputStream.Length;
          // create byte array
          byte[] byt = new Byte[ checked( ( uint )Math.Min( 8192, _inputStream.Length ) ) ];
          // setup input/output streams
          Stream outputStream = null;
                    outputStream = request.GetRequestStream();
                    // now write the stream
                    int bytesRead = 0;
                              bytesRead = _inputStream.Read( byt, 0, byt.Length );
                              if( 0 == bytesRead ) continue;
                              outputStream.Write( byt, 0 , bytesRead );
                    while( 0 != bytesRead );
                    return request.GetResponse();
                    // overkill, but it doesn't hurt.
( null != outputStream )
                              outputStream =
                    // don't bother closing the input stream. we do not own it.

I also needed to delete a file on a remote server. This code is based on some code I found on MSDN WebDAVDelete

public static WebResponse DeleteHttpFile( string _uri, NetworkCredential _cred )
          WebRequest request = WebRequest.Create( _uri );
          request.Credentials    = _cred;
          request.Method = "DELETE";
          return request.GetResponse();

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