MIX08-Using the Microsoft Sync Framework and FeedSync
FeedSync (Project)
Astoria Offline (Project)
Take Data offline?
Alter Remote Offline Data and use FeedSync to update when connected.
- App availability
- Network Utilization
- Lower costs
- Leverage client UI
- Leverage Service
- Extend for collaboration
Write a provider for
- Service
- Desktop
- Devices
Protocols extensions
- Metadata
Handles arbitrary topology
- peer to peer mesh and point to point
End to End Solutions
- Ado.NET Sync
- Astoria Offline
Protocol and Store Providers
- Relational
- Astoria offline
- File Sync Provider
- FeedSync
- 3rd Party
Make it Simple Services
- Metadata Store
- Anchor Providers
- Simple Prov
Common Sync Metadata runtime
- Knowledge
- Versions
- Change Enumeration
CTP2 http://msdn.com/sync
Support for MSIL
- Offline
- Peer to peer/Roaming
- collaboration/sharing
Bring all your data to all applications by syncing the data.
No long running app on desktop to do this? huh?
FeedSync is CC license is a set of extensions to RSS/ATOM
Type of change:
- Create update delete
- Where changes happened.
Astoria Services Offline:
Point to a data service and "Take it offline"
Use SQL Server compact.
Very Beta just doing a exploration at this time.
What is the difference between this and Foldershare?
Have yet to answer this...
SyncToy updated.