LinqExtender 1.01 released

I have released the new version of LinqExtender,  it now support orderby queries

Like I can easily do

var query = from q in context
            where q.Id == 1
            orderby q.Id descending 
            select q;

Also, I have uploaded a tiny linq to sql project named OpenLinqToSql which is built on LinqExtender and can be downloaded from LinqExtender release page

To start working with OpenLinqToSql, all is needed.

First create a object that represents the entity class.For example , i have created a Book table in database , which looks like

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Book](
    [ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
    [Author] [nvarchar](255) NOT NULL,
    [Title] [nvarchar](255) NOT NULL,
    [ISBN] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,
    [LastUpdated] datetime NOT NULL


For which the representation of object is

class Book : QueryObjectBase
        [LinqVisible, Identity]
        public int? Id { get; set; }
        public string Author { get; set; }
        public string Title { get; set; }
        public string ISBN { get; set; }
        public DateTime? LastUpdated {get; set;} 

        public override bool IsNew
                return Id == null;

Here to note that, in order to use a property in query expression, LinqVisibleattribute is used. Also, Non string properties, should be made Nullable.

Finally, I can do the following to get things going

SqlQuery<Book> context = new SqlQuery<Book>();

Write the query.

var query = from q in context
            orderby q.Id descending
            select q;

The OpenLinqToSql can talk with SQLCE databases as well. Also, this is just an tiny project that helps to understand how to make providers using LinqExtender, but for real flavor , use the LinqToSql that comes with .net 3.5


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