Mehfuz's WebLog
Live crazy, think different!
Creating a basic proxy for intercepting [quick update].
In my previous post, i enhanced the proxy to support generic calls. In order to minimize IL emit and move more parts to managed code, there is a better way to process the return value rather doing the checks against runtime method and see whether the method’s return type is a value or not for generic calls to un-box the object form that is returned from the interceptor.
A basic proxy for intercepting method calls (Part – 3)
In my previous posts, I showed how to create a proxy that can delegate calls. I further modified it to support argument list from original method and handled scenarios for void and non-void calls. In this post, i will further enhance it to introduce generic calls.
A basic proxy for intercepting method calls (Part –2)
In my previous post , i introduced a basic proxy that intercepts methods. But what is missing in the proxy is that it does not consider method arguments and can not handle return types. In this post, i will enhance the proxy to support exactly those.
A basic proxy for intercepting method calls (Part –1)
In this post, i am going to show how you can write your own proxy for delegating calls. This just shows a way how you can handle it on your own but for complex interceptions its always wise to use alpha/beta/tested solutions. The post is more of an under the hood or aims to solve simple interception tasks where you might not need a full featured dynamic proxy or can be useful in building something that requires similar techniques which can move you further.
Do you Encode your interface ?
Yesterday , i was reading Clean Code by Uncle Bob. While i was doing so , i came across a line that really stuck my thought patterns and i would like to share it with my readers as well.
Configuring Team build using XUnit [From client] – Update.
In my previous post , i mentioned about configuring Team build along with XUnit without installing anything on the build machine. This is sometimes useful as the build machine is miles away and is shared among other projects and you don’t want to mess things up installing your stuffs.
Configuring Team build using XUnit [From Client]
Recently, while i was setting up TFS build [to enable CI] for a project at Telerik that i am currently working on, i came across configuring it up with XUnit for doing automated tests every time someone checks-in source code after the build process is complete using the Xunit MsBuild task and additionally it will print the build steps so that developer knows what’s the issue.
Introducing LINQ to M
Operation could destabilize the runtime – Reflection.Emit and common pitfalls
In the last post i said about LinqtExtender implementing necessary property and injecting specific settings for entity objects. The issue i have is that it works fine under full / high trust settings but when running in medium trust it gives the following error:
Extending your existing API or legacy data classes to support LINQ
While developing LinqExtender, i have come across various scenarios that people don’t want to extent any query class or even implement any interface. Also, it is almost absurd when they have to add new extender specific attributes to their entity class. It is though not very important for people creating new provider with small codebase but with large codebase it soon becomes a pain to modify each class.