Loren Halvorson's Blog
If your only tool is a hammer...
Hanselminutes podcast on functional web testing tools
Scott Hanselman's podcast #10 is on functional web testing tools http://www.hanselminutes.com/default.aspx?showID=11
TestDriven.NET just keeps getting better and better
If you haven't checked out the free Visual Studio add-in for unit testing, TestDriven.NET in a while, do yourself a favor. Jamie Cansdale and Grant Drake have been busy.
Hanselminutes Podcast on Continuous Integration
Scott Hanselman's most recent Hanselminutes podcast is on continuous integration builds. He talks about a bunch of my favorite tools like CruiseControl.NET, NAnt, FxCop, NCover, NUnit, WiX and more. A worthwhile way to spend the commute if you are interested in learning more about continuous integration.
The conference to go to this year
I'm sure many of you have already seen this site advertising the Waterfall 2006 conference, but it's definitely worth a look. Every time I go to this site I find something that makes me laugh out loud.
Latest version of WiX contains NAnt tasks
It was very interesting to see version 2.0.3719.0 of WiX, which was released January 19, 2006, contains NAnt tasks for the candle and light command line tools. This replaces the <exec> tasks you had to do before.
New bug fix release of FlexWiki
Version of FlexWiki was released on Dec 2nd, 2005. This is mostly a bug fix release. I upgraded with no problems at all, and many annoying bugs have been fixed.
CruiseControl.NET 1.0 released
This is somewhat old news, but I thought I'd mention in case anyone is still running old versions of CruiseControl.NET that CruiseControl.NET 1.0 was recently released. The upgrade from RC2 was relatively painless except that any plug-ins you may have compiled against previous versions will need to be recompiled. (I think it's because of the new version of the strong-named NetReflector assembly). So far it's running well with no issues. The updated CCTray has also been getting the thumbs up from our developers.
Outlook RSS readers, what's your favorite?
What's your favorite Outlook RSS reader? These are the three free ones I've found:
Adding UI to your WiX installer
This is part two of my posts on features I recently discovered in WiX. Adding a UI to your installer is extremely simple now. Far easier than the way I used to do it. This technique is mentioned in the excellent WiX tutorial. It is also being used by the Votive install which you can look at in the WiX source on SourceForge.
Using WiX to fix up XML files when deploying to different environments
I met Rob Mensching out at PDC and he pointed out a new feature in WiX that can be used to solve the problem of deploying XML configuration files into many different environments. It's called <XmlFile> and allows you to poke values into an XML file while deploying them. This is the same problem I try to solve with the XmlPreprocessor tool.