Lance's Whiteboard
Random scribbling about C#, Javascript, Web Development, Architecture, and anything else that pops into my mind.
VPC 2007 Dual Monitor support
I have been trying to find a way to allow you to run Virtual PC 2007 with multiple monitors. Natively VPC 2007 doesnt support more than 1 monitor, however you can "trick" it by using various techniques that expand the desktop area into a larger virtual desktop.
Link Love: 09/21/2007
I havent been blogging much over the past several months. The main reason is time, or the lack thereof. Since I dont have time to write a "proper" blog post, I'm just going to start sharing some link love...
Note to self: Blog about using Service Broker
Just a note to myself to do a braindump on all this Service Broker shiznit I have been playing with lately.
The influence of style upon methodology...
No matter how faithfully you try to follow your chosen project methodology (Scrum, Extreme Programming, Waterfall, CMMI, etc.) ultimately the strengths, weaknesses, successes, and failures you experience are determined by the habits, attitude, and style of the project manager and team members on the project.
My fair and biased opinion on the recent upgrade...
DISCLAIMER: The following post represents my personal opinions and thoughts, not that of my employer.
A web site is not an RSS feed...nor the reverse.
There was a time not so long ago when we built "home pages". Glorviously extravagant, naievely simple web sites that said who we were, and what we were about. On those home pages, we put news & announcements, and often, links to static pages of content. If we wanted to interact with visitors, we included guest books, maybe a simple message board, or just displayed our email address prominantly so others could drop us a note. All of this was created by hand with the expectation that changes would be few and far between.
Reporting Services administration changes in Katmai (v.Next)
Brian Welcker posts some information on changes they are consindering to how you will administer Sql Server Reporting Services in the next version, codenamed Katmai.
Reserve judgement lest thou be judged too...
After submiting my last post (rant), I re-read it and had a thought occur. Maybe I too should show humility and take the optimistic view that the developers of these projects really did have good reasons for their reinventions and innovations.
Embrace the framework!
Sometimes I get involved with a .NET project where I find code that is just so "different" from the norm that I wonder how it got to such an extreme state; Code that reinvents Configuration, Threading, File IO, DataAccess, or sometimes even primitive data types. It strikes me as a form of extreme arrogance that a developer could find even the most fundamental building blocks incapable of being used. In the end, I find myself babeling to myself incoherently as I try to trace, diagram, and divine the secrets of these "innovative" implementations.
Find your Sql Server Version and Edition
When working with Sql Reporting Services or other features that are version-specific, I often need to know what version of Sql Server is running on the target server.