Lance's Whiteboard
Random scribbling about C#, Javascript, Web Development, Architecture, and anything else that pops into my mind.
FIX: Error "ASP.NET v1.1 not Installed" while installing Sql Server 2000 Reporting Services
I finally had the chance to rebuild my dev machine with the RTM version of Sql Server 200 Reporting Services [SQL2kRS] and ran into an unusual error. During the "Check Prerequisites" stage of installation, it said that I didnt have ASP.NET v1.1 installed on my PC. Considering that I do web-development with VS.NET 2003 on this PC I was a bit perplexed why it said that.
Parsing Rss/Opml DateTimes
I have been fighting a bit with how to "correctly" parse DateTimes from RSS & Opml feeds. After much wrangling, I decided to go with the most strict form of parsing, whereby I assume the datetime is in RFC822 or RFC1123 format.
RSS DateTime (revisited)
After my previous post/rant on the abuse of “pubDate” in RSS feeds, I received comments about and discovered other, often more eloquent, discussions of RSS's RFC822 dates. One of the more useful ones being Scott Mitchel's comment about RFC1123 being an extension of RFC822.
String Formatting
I constantly see people write code like this for formatting numbers as strings, and wonder why:
Organizations fighting Software Patents
As a follow-up to my previous post on the abuse of software patents, here, I wanted to share a couple links to sites fighting against Software Patents:
My Projects...some Free, some not, and many not even completed yet...
At any given time, I have several side-projects going-on. Here is a list of those utilities, projects and any downloads related to them:
VSS 6.0(x) Info, Links, Articles, code, and other resources.
After years of automating Visual SourceSafe(VSS), I am beginning to post and organize all my knowledge via this article.
Design Pattern Links, Articles, eBooks, and other resources.
Having noticed the many common patterns in programming, I have begun studying GoF Design Patterns in an attempt to internalize and integrate them into my development thoughts. This article is an attempt to catalog all the links to various Pattern articles, tutorials, and other resources I have stumbled upon in my research:
.NET Interop - COM+, P/Invoke, etc.
I am constantly discovering some new tidbit of information on Interop with .NET and other technologies. This article is an attempt to organize and catalog links to helpful articles, reference material, tutorials, and other reference material on COM Interop, P\Invoke, J2EE interop, and more application-centric interop issues.
Best Practice: Set Minimum Capacity
An often overlooked performance enhancement is to set the Capacity for a type. This leads to the following Best Practice recommendation: