Windows Phone 7 in Montreal

Thursday, September 9th
A Microsoft Canada event: Windows Phone 7 Night in Montreal (featuring a developer device!)
5:30 – 8:30 p.m. at the Microsoft Montreal office (2000 Ave McGill College, Suite 450, Montreal)
Join Christian Beauclair from Microsoft Canada, along with Colin Melia from DreamDigital, for an evening about Windows Phone 7 in the flesh. That’s right, they’ll be there in person, oh and so will a real developer device!
You absolutely must be registered to attend: Register for this event.
Friday, September 10th
Windows Phone 7 Deployment clinic.
At the Microsoft Montreal office (2000 Ave McGill College, Suite 450, Montreal)
This second event is targeted at developers who used the phone emulator and wants to test their app on a real device. This will take place on Sept 10. You need to contact Christian Beauclair to reserve a spot:
LinkedIn Windows Phone Canada group
Oh, and if you’re a member of LinkedIn, you should join the Windows Phone Canada group. It’ll have links to the latest Windows Phone articles, host discussions about all aspects of Windows Phone development, from coming up with ideas for apps to writing them to selling them in Marketplace. You’ll also get to network with Windows Phone developers across Canada.
[via Canadian Developer Connection]