JavaScript onLoad event clashing

This week I had to debug some pages that has a weird behavior. They work well but each time a Js alert() raise, the hover menu are no more available (it is a classic asp:menu with dynamic hover for sub-menu).

The problem was simple: the current function attached to window.onload (which display the hover menu) was ripped by another one (which throw the alert).

Keep in mind that such line window.onload = alert('warning!'); remove the existing function attached to onload event.

To prevent this I added a new function on the Js library :

function AddOnload(funcToAdd)
    if (window.onload)
      var currentfunc = window.onload; 
      window.onload = function()
      window.onload = funcToAdd;

And now I call the script like this:


I am sure there are plenty of ways to do this, but this worked fine for me.

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