C# vs. VB - Give us EnC

I Was having a talk with a few of my cronies this morning and was telling them about the C# vs. VB.NET moaning going on here and one of them brought up what I thought was an interesting point; whichever language gets VB6 style enc (edit and continue) first will be their choice.


Now I started out as a VB guy and saw the ! LIGHT ! about 2 years ago on a flight from Louisville to Tampa. Personally I have gotten over the omission of this great feature but I would love to see it make a comeback. My good friend and msdn regional director once told me that he heard it would be a feature in the next release, but then I read a chat from the C# team where they kinda alluded as if it was not important to them…?


Anybody got the scoop on this?

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