Kevin Dente's Blog
The Blip in the Noise
Duplicate cleanup...grrrr
I just spent a bunch of time cleaning out a massive round of duplicate postings in NewsGator, presumably due to the updated .Text roll-out. It annoys me to no end that I have to waste time on this. Is this really necessary? Do other RSS readers handle it more gracefully, or is it a problem common to all readers? Does Atom improve things? Surely this is not an intractable problem.
AlphaImageLoader weirdness
The AlphaImageLoader filter, which is used for rendering transparent PNGs in IE, seems to play some funny games with URLs. I'm running into a problem with a URL that contains a “+” sign. I'm using the JavaScript encodeURIComponent function, which converts the “+” into a %2B. However, for some reason when the HTTP request gets spit of the other end of the filter, it gets converted back into a + character (as shown by ieHttpHeaders), and ends up munged on the other end in ASP.NET. Other encoded characters, like spaces (%20) work fine. If I use a regular IMG tag instead of the filter, it works fine (except, of course, no transparency).
IE Favorites with Longhorn
After mucking around in the badness that is the IE favorites system, I'm lefting wondering if there's hope for the future. Will IE use WinFS in Longhorn for storing favorites? Will we finally get searchable metadata for favorites? For the most part of I've given up on using favorites, relying on my googability for re-finding sites when I need them. Generally this works - until I realize that the only key words for identifying the site are too generic to be useful in Google. Then I long for superior bookmark system of that technical tour-de-force Netscape 2.0.
A peek into the world of car sales sent a reporter in undercover to work as a car sales person, and wrote a story about it. Interesting stuff.
The trouble with web.config
Am I the only one that has issues with the way web.config is implemented in ASP.NET web apps and web services? The idea of a central, extensible XML config file that automatically detects changes is a great one. But the fact that ASP.NET restarts the application any time the file changes - isn't that a little heavy handed? I realize that it tries to handle the restart as gracefully as possible, spinning up a new instance of the application while allowing the old one to die out after it processes any pending requests. But restarting the application has a couple of nasty effects - namely, the application loses its cache and in-memory session state. In my case, the web service that I work on stores a bunch of data in cache that can be expensive to fetch. Dumping the cache can have a significant performance impact as the server rebuilds it.
A new VB convert?
Don Box is writing his samples in VB these days. Atonement for his PDC transgressions?
Longhorn and Avalon
I predict that Avalon will be a smashing success with developers. Why? Because XAML is so darn fun to say. Zaml. Just kind of rolls off the tongue, doesn't it? Coupled with its partner in crime - BAML - it's got a one-two punch that just can't miss. Way more fun to say than SVG. Or XUL. Yep, best technology name since SCSI.
Whidbey C# language enhancements
From Tim Sneath's blog entry about new C# features in Whidbey
Whidbey PDC Questions answered
All I can say is - wow. ScottGu has already answered all of my questions. Unbelievably cool. Gee, who needs the PDC? Just kidding. Even cooler is that the answers to just about all of the questions are “yes, we're doing that”. They seem to be addressing pretty much every limitation that I've encountered doing server control development. Did I mention wow?
Whidbey PDC Questions
Although I sadly won't be attending the PDC, I do have a few specific questions about Whidbey - mostly around limitations or annoyances that I've encountered in the current framework, and whether they'll be fixed in 2.0. If any good-hearted soul runs across the answers to these questions and has time to post them, I would be most appreciative. Hopefully that answer to these questions isn't “you can already do that, dufus“. On the other hand, maybe that would be a good answer after all (except for the dufus part).