Kevin Dente's Blog
The Blip in the Noise
Mouse wheel scrolling the Web Browser control
A fairly common interface style these days is the multi-pane reading UI. You see it in Outlook, RSS Bandit, Sharp Reader, Sauce Reader, etc. Outlook 2003 includes a nice feature when using the mouse wheel to scroll a window - the window that the mouse cursor is over is the one that scrolls, rather than the window that has focus. I've gotten quite used to this behavior, and was disappointed when I found that RSS Bandit didn't support it when trying to scroll the reading pane (I don't know about Sharp Reader, I haven't tried it).
SSE, Visual Studio, and XCOPY deployment
The VSData team blogs about new database features with SQL Server Express and Visual Studio 2005. Apparently when an SSE database is added to the VS project and the project is built, the MDF gets copied to the build directory along with the EXE. When the application runs, the framework automatically finds the MDF in the application directory.
Unit testing in Visual Studio 2005
A couple of weeks ago there was quite a bit of discussion about adding unit testing support to all versions of Visual Studio 2005. OK, so I'm late to this party, but here's my 2 cents.
Generics and CLS Compliance
Dan Fernandez blogs a reminder that generics are not CLS compliant in the .NET Framework 2.0. Apparently to make them so would put too large an onus on CLS language developers. This news worried me back when I first heard it, and it still worries me. It worries me on two fronts. As a component developer, it forces me to make some decisions when designing my APIs. Let's say I have an API that could take advantage of generics to make it more extensible or elegant. So do I
Running Assembly Reflector Add-in
Like most .NET developers, I use (and am eternally grateful for) Reflector for .NET. Aside from Visual Studio .NET and NUnit, it's the most used tool in my development arsenal.
DataTips in VS 2005
Jim Gries blogs about the enhanced Datatips in Visual Studio 2005 (damn it's hard to stop saying Visual Studio .NET). Somehow this improvement had escaped my attention previously. All I can say is - wow, wicked cool. Even his screen shot doesn't do the feature justice - this is one of the coolest debugger enhancements I've seen in a very long time. I use QuickWatch a ton, and I can easily see this replacing QuickWatch for 90% of my debugging needs. It definitely gives visualizers a run for their money as the coolest debugging enhancement in VS2005.
Audio editing - the Audacity of it all
This weekend I had the need to do some very basic audio editing. I had no software for doing this, but a quick Google turned up Audacity, an open source audio editing package. It let me do everything I needed to do, and is quite easy to use. Recommended.
Windows XP flakiness - solved
About 8 months ago, I got a snazzy new development machine at work. From the get-go, I had a peculiar problem – when I opened a bunch of Internet Explorer windows, my machine started going wonky. Actually, the problem wasn’t caused just by IE, but it seemed like IE triggered it more readily. The issue manifested itself as a progression of increasingly worsening UI problems. The first sign of trouble is that the IE toolbars would rearrange themselves. Specifically, the Links toolbar would move from the bottom of the toolbar stack (where I like it) back to the default location (collapsed, to the right of the address bar). If I kept opening windows, the problem would progress to where new IE windows would display without a menu bar, or would sometimes hang and would need to be killed. If I (foolishly) kept opening windows, things really went haywire. Windows became incapable of popping up any new windows. Context menus wouldn’t display, the Start Menu wouldn’t pop up, grouped start menu items couldn’t be selected, etc. Closing open windows would usually restore the system to some semblance of usability, but I usually ended up rebooting at some point, if only for my peace of mind. Needless to say, this was very frustrating.
Whidbey Unit Testing Generated Code - yikes
I was just poking around in some of the code that the Whidbey Unit Testing framework generates, and was shocked at what I saw:
VSTS Unit Testing
James Newkirk blogs a Hello World unit test sample for Visual Studio Team System. I'm guessing it's no accident that the test code looks a lot like NUnit test code - making it easy to migrate unit tests from NUnit to VSTS makes a lot of sense. However, if I had my druthers, I'd change one thing. I've never liked the fact that the comparison Assert methods (e.g. Assert.AreEqual) take the expected value as the first argument and the actual value as the second. That just feels backward to me. Assert.AreEqual(9, theValue) reads to me like “if (9 == theValue)”. I just don't think that way, and I frequently find myself reversing the parameters inadvertantly. Unfortunately, that change would complicate the migration from NUnit to VSTS, and so probably isn't feasable.