Upgrade to Vista complete

At long last I've upgraded my machine to Vista. Yes, I used the "u" word. Although I'm usually a clean-install kind of guy, I just got my machine a couple of months ago, and didn't have the heart to rebuild it all from scratch. So I took a chance and went the upgrade route.

My first comment on the upgrade is that it's s..l..o..w. Man, it took forever - at least three hours, probably more - and that's on a very fast machine. I started it at 5pm last night, and when I left at 6pm it was still on the "gathering information" phase (the first step). I clicked "next" at 9:30am this morning (don't know how long phase I took after I left), and it ran until 11:30am. The good news is that it didn't require a lot of handholding.

I've only had a half a day of playing with it, but so far things seem pretty solid. I do have one problem, though. The Administrative Tools Control Panel applets don't run unless I right-click and choose "Run as Administrator". Otherwise, I get a "path not found" error. I would expect an elevation prompt (I'm using UAC), not an error. Do other people see this? It may be upgrade related - I haven't done a fresh install yet.

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