Kevin Dente's Blog

The Blip in the Noise

  • Remote Desktop is the coolest

    The more I use Remote Desktop on XP, the more it pains me to go back to VNC. Not that I don't admire VNC - it's a phenomenal tool, especially if you need to go cross platform (where cross platform can mean as little as "not XP"). Super light-weight, super easy to install (and the viewer piece doesn't need an extra install at all - in fact, it's entirely optional if you want to use the web browser client). But the seemlessness of remote desktop can't be beat. As a heavy keyboard user, I find VNCs less-than-complete support for keyboard navigation problematic. I need my Alt-tab and Ctrl-Esc, dammit! Also, the full screen mode of RD makes the illusion of local access nearly perfect, and the ability to easily share local resources with the remote machine is very handy.

  • Microsoft's 99% rule, part 2

    Here's another example a Microsoft "what were they thinking" decision. When I first started looking at the generic databinding architect in the control framework, I thought "wow, this plus web services could be a pretty killer combo". Web services can return collections of "objects", and the controls can bind directly to them - what could be easier? That would make snapping together simple web (or win) applications a piece of cake.

  • My first non-rant - spam filtering

    I have a major spam problem at work. I get a ton of it. Recently I discovered Spammunition - a free Outlook add-in that uses a Bayesian filtering system to catch spam. It rocks - great filtering, very low false positive rate. It's still pretty early beta stuff, but I couldn't go back to life without it. Highly recommended.

  • My first rant

    Oh, the first rant. Where to start? First of all, let me start with a disclaimer. I make no claims of original thought here. Undoubtedly, whatever I rant about has already been ranted about umpteen times over elsewhere. I will certainly try to give credit where credit is due, and will link to other blogs or pages on the topic of my rants. If I don't, I'm not trying to rip of other people's ideas, I just didn't see it.

  • My first post - finally

    Greetings, all. It took me a while, but I'm finally getting around to writing my first post. First of all, I'll insert the obligitory thanks to Scott for hosting this. I've been wanting to blog for a while, but I've been too lazy to set up my own feed, and Radio just didn't speak to me.