Kevin Dente's Blog

The Blip in the Noise

  • Visual Studio .NET Add-in for the PInvoke.NET web site

    Adam Nathan has posted a VS.NET add-in to that lets you easily find and insert PInvoke signatures directly into your code, using the web site as its data source. Bugger! I had already started writing a similar add-in for my entry to Roy Osherove's add-in contest. Guess I'll have to come up with something else.

  • Windows Forms ListBox items

    Craig Andera blogs a simple ListItemWrapper class for dealing with Windows Forms listbox items. This is such a common scenario that I’d really love to see a simple ListItem class as part of the framework (no sign of one in the March community preview release). While there’s no technical reason why it has to come from Microsoft (obviously it’s pretty easy to create - I’ve done it myself numerous times), it would cover probably 80% or more of my usage of the listbox, and that makes it worth it in my book. All we need is a ListItem class with a Text string property and a Tag object property. You could even throw in a couple of jazzy data binding bonus features if you really want.

  • Mac and PC Interoperability

    My fiancé is a Mac person. She’s a web designer (and a damn good one), so I cut her some slack on that one. This weekend she upgraded her Mac to Panther (OS 10.3). On a lark, I decided to check if the new version supported Windows-based VPNs (PPTP, I guess not strictly Windows-based, but I believe it came out of the Windows world). Lo and behold, it did! I configured it to connect to my company’s VPN (a process that was harder than it should have been – sometimes I think Mac’s reputation for ease of use is overblown). Once configured correctly, it worked like a charm. I installed Microsoft’s remote desktop client for the Mac, and connected to my box at work. Bing, bang, boom, I was seamlessly controlling my XP machine from my fiancé’s Mac.

  • Outlook 2003 Follow Up items mystery...solved.

    I installed Outlook 2003 the last time I repaved my machine, and generally it has worked just fine. But several times recently I've ended up with dozens, sometimes hundreds, of RSS posts in my “For Follow Up” folder (I use NewsGator as my RSS reader). I was mystified as to how they were getting there, because I never right-clicked on a bunch of posts and selected “Follow Up”.

  • Whidbey Tech Preview comments

    I finally started playing around with the Whidbey March Tech Preview, and thought I'd blog some comments as they occurred to me.

  • Netgear wireless router problems and solution

    A while back I bought a Netgear MR814 wireless router for my girlfriend's house. However, I've always had problems holding a strong wireless connection. The back of the house doesn't get a very strong signal, and my connection would frequently drop. For a while I chalked the connection losses up to poor signal strength, but recently I found the following article on Netgear's support site:

  • Red vs Blue - it's official

    Yes, it's official. Season 2 of Red vs Blue stinks. Actually, it was official 3 or 4 episodes ago, but I was holding out hope that things would improve. It pains me to say this, as I was a huge fan of Season 1. What happened? How did things go so wrong? In my opinion, it went wrong when they took out the f***ing swearing. Half (or more) of the hilarity of the show was the military guys ripping in to each other. Some of the insults have even made it into my friends' vernacular.

  • Navigating to My Documents, keyboard style

    On a lark, for no particular reason, I just brought up the Windows XP “Run” dialog and typed My Documents. Much to my surprise, it actually popped up an Explorer window with My Documents selected. Neato. As a keyboard hound, I appreciate this. Desktop also seems to work, though My Computer doesn't.