Web Service Load Testing Tools...
In the past, I've used Microsoft Web Application Stress Tool - I think they called it Homer before. Now, I'm using ACT (Application Center Test) to perform load/response testing for my web services. Looking at the app, it seems like I have less options available to me (although really cool results gathering and display options) for the execution of the tests. For example, I couldn't find a way to throttle the tests through the GUI.
I decided to crack open the xml file that defines the test used by ACT. Looks like there are a lot more settings I can play with. I can't seem to find any good documentation for this however. Looks like I can play with throttling after all...... I guess I'll just have to play around until I figure it out. Any help would be nice... If these are configurable settings, I wonder why they aren't configurable through the GUI - or even documented in the help...
Here's an example of a test file....
<ControllerReportTimeout type="long" value="5" />
<Timeout type="long" value="120" />
<Duration type="long" value="300" />
<Warmup type="long" value="0" />
<UseIterations type="bool" value="False" />
<Iterations type="long" value="200" />
<UseRateControl type="bool" value="False" />
<TargetRPS type="long" value="40" />
<PerfCollectionInterval type="long" value="10" />
<TestType type="long" value="1" />
<GenerateUsers type="bool" value="True" />
<UsersToGenerate type="long" value="5000" />
<CollectPerfCounters type="bool" value="False" />
<CollectRuntimeHistory type="bool" value="True" />
<CollectPerPageData type="bool" value="True" />
<Locale type="long" value="1033" />
<Language type="string" value="VBScript" />
<NumberOfThreads type="long" value="1" />
<FollowRedirects type="bool" value="False" />
<RedirectDepth type="long" value="15" />
<Enable type="bool" value="False" />
<NATRange type="long" value="0" />
<Distribution.9.6K type="long" value="15" />
<Distribution.14.4K type="long" value="5" />
<Distribution.28.8K type="long" value="20" />
<Distribution.56K type="long" value="30" />
<Distribution.128K type="long" value="10" />
<Distribution.512K type="long" value="5" />
<Distribution.T1 type="long" value="15" />
<Distribution.Unlimited type="long" value="15" />
<PropagationDelay type="long" value="200" />
<NATStartAddr type="string" value="" />
<NATStopAddr type="string" value="" />
<ClientPortStart type="long" value="1000" />
<ClientPortEnd type="long" value="5000" />
<DefaultServer type="string" value="localhost" />
<DefaultMethod type="string" value="GET" />
<DefaultHTTPVer type="string" value="HTTP/1.1" />
<DefaultPort type="long" value="80" />
<SessionCount type="long" value="5" />
<UseRandomDelay type="bool" value="True" />
<MinDelay type="long" value="10" />
<MaxDelay type="long" value="1500" />
<FollowRedirects type="bool" value="True" />
<RedirectDepth type="long" value="15" />