Fritz Onion on DotNetRocks

If you are remotely interested in ASP.NET, you just gotta listen to tonight's DotNetRocks show. The guest tonight is Fritz Onion, the author of Essential ASP.NET.

I can't say enough about that book. Before I read it, ASP.NET was just this magical black box. I understood how to work with it, but I had no idea how it worked. Fritz takes it apart and explains it at the perfect level - very thorough, but understandable. You're gonna need to understand the stuff in this book to have a chance with Scott's interview questions.

You can read Chapter 3 (Configuration) on Amazon here.

You can always download the shows on the Monday following the show, but you miss out on the chat room fun then. They usually take questions from the chat room, and the commentary is usually fun, too.

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