Points of interest #5
Sorry for the delay but it's been a busy couple of weeks (so this list of links will be longer than most).
Things that caught my attentions are:
- Microsoft are working on a software factory for websites: http://www.codeplex.com/Wiki/View.aspx?ProjectName=websf
- Sanjeeb Sarangi provides a list of things to consider when thinking about a collection object.
- The help.net blog points to a link to get some free books & lecture notes. He also links to a custom image button control that supports rollover effects (bit of a time saver).
- There is an open source web ide call aptana. It supports html, css and javascript (I think the thing that makes it stand out most is its javascript support).
- Charlie has an interesting blog post on generics
- J.D has a blog post about using generics to get rid of the cost of boxing
- Microsoft releases a formsinterop toolkit
- Jay has a post about extending MBUnit
- Mark has a blog post with source about an animated activity designer for WF.
- Convert a range of filetypes to pdf for free!! http://www.pdfonline.com/index.htm
- Paul compares Microsoft's three-layered service application against a domain-driver architecture.
- LogiXml a free reporting product for .net
- Curvy Corners (create curvy corners with javascript)
- Richard blogs about speech bot for messenger
- Joel blogs about a code style enforcer for .net
- IDesign offer a great range of downloads covering WCF and much much more.
- Fabrice has a post about Events, references, garbage collecting, memory leaks and weak delegates
I've been working with Oracle lately so here are some links I've come across that might be useful:
Some general patterns:
More to follow in the coming weeks (No doubt more will be about .Net 3).