FREE XDN Professional for .NET Bloggers during May 2004

Hi Guys,

For those of you who read this in time:

Mike Schinkel, president of Xtras.Net, made an offer on his personal blog of a free XDN Professional membership ( during the month of May 2004 for anyone that blogs about .NET frequently. If you are a .NET blogger, see Mike's post for how to get your free XDN membership.

I've looked around the site and I think it is definately something worth looking into.

From their site here are some of the reasons why developers like it so much:

  • Xtras is run by development enthusiasts selling to other enthusists.

  • Xtras catalogs provide full product descriptions written by developers who have actually used and tested the software.

  • Xtras websites provide a wealth of information about the products it carries including downloadable demos so developers can easily decide which products best meet their needs.

  • Xtras provides discounts off the vendors' normal retail prices.

  • Xtras has a superior pro-customer attitude which empowers it to provide great customer service.

  • Xtras management really cares about customer's opinion and wants its customers to be raving fans.

Enjoy :D


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