Jonathan Cogley's Blog
C#, Test Driven Development, Pair Programming, MVP C#, ASPInsider, Secret Server
DevConnections – Day 4
Jimmy has posted with sage advice on White Lists versus Black Lists and more from Day 4 at DevConnections 2009 in Las Vegas.
DevConnections – Day 3
Jimmy does it again with Single Responsibility Principle and other .NET Best Practices. Don’t miss the next in his Top 10 Takeaway series from #devconnections.
DevConnections – Day 2
Jimmy has posted again with the Top 10 Takeaways from Day 2. Keep it up Jimmy!
DevConnections – Day 1
Jimmy is at DevConnections this week and is promising to have a new blog post every day. We will see how that works out! :)
Recursive Table Expressions
Kevin has posted about Recursive Table Expressions on the team blog. This is something that the team is using on some new product development when working with the Active Directory nested structure.
Removing time from SQL datetime
How many times do you have a data point in your application that is a date but not a datetime? For example: birthdate, receiptdate, licensedate, etc. Things can get really weird when doing date math if these “dates” have times on them – for example: 2.33333 years instead of 2.32. We have even seen some strange things happen with timezones - 8/2/1955 00:00 becomes 8/2/1955 01:00 (still puzzled by this one although I have seen it a few times).
The Strategy Pattern explained with an example
David has a Strategy Pattern post on the Thycotic team blog in the expanding series of Design Pattern posts. This one focuses on the Strategy Pattern and the flexibility it can bring to cover future implementations.
The Template Pattern – A Benevolent Dictator
Ben has a great new post on the team blog in our ad-hoc “design pattern” series.
Pair Programming and Pandemics
Pouya has posted about the dangers of illnesses when Pair Programming on our team blog.
The Facade Pattern - Don’t Talk to Strangers
Ben has posted about the Facade Pattern on the team blog.