Introducing SharePoint 2010 Training at U2U

During the last couple of weeks, we at U2U have been very busy building course material for our upcoming SharePoint 2010 courses. We expect that lots of experienced SharePoint developers, power users and administrators are very eager to get up to speed with the new version of SharePoint as soon as possible. That’s why the first course that we’ve build is titled Upgrade to SharePoint 2010. This course will focus on all the exciting new stuff in SharePoint 2010, so people with SharePoint experience will get all the relevant info as quickly as possible. Because an administrator is probably not interested in developer stuff, we’ve chosen to split the course into three different parts:

  • Part 1: Tools and Technologies (2 days)
    The focus of the first part of this course is on everything what’s new in SharePoint 2010 from a power user perspective. That means: everything you can configure in SharePoint 2010 without writing custom code. We’ll start with an overview of the new SharePoint 2010 platform, after that all the important new features will be discussed separately. Although this part will not involve building code customizations, it’s important for technical people (developers, architects, IT-Pro’s …) as well to know about these important new and enhanced features.
    Part 2: The Development Platform (2 days)
    SharePoint 2007 already was a very extensible platform: as a developer you could enhance and extend the out-of-the-box functionality using some powerful techniques. Unfortunately developing for SharePoint 2007 often required to developer to spend lots of time writing XML, using command line utilities,… This part of the course will focus on the new development tools in Visual Studio 2010 which will make the life of SharePoint developers a lot easier, and the new developer opportunities in SharePoint 2010.
  • Part 3: Administration and Configuration (1 day)
    Also for IT-Pro’s and System Administrators SharePoint 2010 has lots of new functionality. In this final part of the course, we’ll focus on how SharePoint 2010 can make the life of administrators significant easier. 

If you are a developer or architect I’d recommend you to follow all three parts of the course (yes even the administration and configuration part). If you are a power user, end user, manager or business decision maker (thus not a very technical person), I’d recommend you to attend the first part of our course. Finally if you are an IT-Pro or system administration, part 1 and 3 are relevant for you. You can read the full course description at the U2U site, and check out the schedule (the course is already scheduled in Brussels, Belgium in December and January, but we can deliver on-site courses as well).

In the near future U2U will expand its SharePoint 2010 training offerings to facilitate the needs of everybody who wants to get in the SharePoint 2010 game, even if you don’t have experience with the previous versions of SharePoint. So make sure you visit the U2U site once in a while to see if there is anything new. Alternatively you can subscribe to our newsletter over there, or you can follow us on Twitter as well (@u2u) or visit our Facebook page (and become a fan!).

People that are attending TechEd Europe in Berlin next week, make sure to visit the U2U booth to check out our new course material, and to receive a free SharePoint 2010 t-shirt (just mention that Jan sent you :-) ). If you have any questions and I’m not at the booth, feel free to ask for me. Or you can attend my BoF Session about SharePoint, Silverlight and jQuery on Thursday.

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