DIWUG: Dutch Information Worker User Group

[Via Mart] Here’s some news for all my Dutch readers (I do have some, right?): there is an equivalent of the BIWUG (Belgian Information Worker User Group) in the Netherlands, the DIWUG (Dutch Information Worker User Group). Nice name guys! :-P Lately I’m spending quite some time in the Netherlands (I’m leaving tomorrow for Amsterdam), so maybe I can join you guys during a meeting!


Welcome to the Dutch Information Worker User Group (DIWUG) website. DIWUG is a platform for people that are interested in Information Worker solutions. Several times a year, DIWUG organizes an event where members can meet, share knowledge and see interesting presentations in an informal setting. If you would like to join us or receive more information about our activities, please subscribe for the next event, or contact us by email . (www.diwug.nl)

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