Infinities Loop

ASP.NET and .NET from a new perspective

  • The difference between throw; and throw ex;

    Most people don't even realize you can just say "throw;" within a catch block to re-throw the original exception. But my good friend Matt has pointed out an important difference that goes all too unnoticed these days. So important, it could mean the difference in a debug session between "ah ha!" and "what the?"

  • Join the Dark Side of Visual Studio

    Visual Studio is without a doubt a powerful tool. With every iteration, it continues to improve upon itself. But as you happily hack away at all your applications, you are blistfully unaware of it's evil dark side that has been there since the beginning. It's true.

    There are those of us who embrace the dark side. But we are out numbered...

    You see, the dark side isn't how it comes by default. No... it comes all happy and bright and cheery by default, and like good little jedi programmers you accept those defaults. But the dark side is there, hidden away deep within the environment settings, reaching out and corrupting those programmers who are corruptible. Why some are corruptible and some are not is a mystery that may never be solved, but each and every programmer must give pause and consider the benefits it provides.

  • TRULY Understanding ViewState

    ViewState is a very misunderstood animal. I would like to help put an end to the madness by attempting to explain exactly how the ViewState mechanism works, from beginning to end, and from many different use cases, such as declared controls vs. dynamic controls.