Hajan Selmani
CEO & Founder of HASELT, Microsoft MVP in ASP.NET/IIS
The new SortedSet<T> Collection in .NET 4.0
With the newest release of .NET Framework, version 4.0 - the class library provides new collection set from System.Collections.Generic classes called SortedSet<T>.
JavaScriptSerializer – Dictionary to JSON Serialization and Deserialization
Few weeks ago I was working with the JavaScriptSerializer for serializing objects into JSON format, sending the JSON format as a parameter to a web service method and deserializing in the web service. The JavaScriptSerializer can be useful for different serialization and deserialization tasks.
Integration of jQuery DatePicker in ASP.NET Website – JS Validation Script (part 2)
In part 1 I’ve shown the way to integrate the KeithWood’s jQuery DatePicker on an ASP.NET website in just few simple steps.
Integration of jQuery DatePicker in ASP.NET Website (part 1)
In the previous days, I’ve been working on few jQuery DatePicker plug-ins.
Transferring large data when using Web Services
I've been working with complex reporting application and big part of the application relies on Web Services.
Forums dedicated to WebMatrix
Hi everyone.
Microsoft WebMatrix – Short overview & installation
Hello everyone!
Working with embedded resources in Project's assembly
Embedding resources in project’s assembly can be very useful for static data that exists in your project, such as images, some static files etc.
Debugging ASP.NET Web Services
All those who have ever heard about Web Services, already know what is the nature of the Web Services and why these are important especially in Distributed Systems when exchanging data from different operating systems, platforms etc.
Save and Display YouTube Videos on ASP.NET Website
About two months ago, a member in the asp.net forums asked a question regarding similar issue. For this purpose, I have prepared short article that shows how you can achieve this using ASP.NET Repeater (or similar) control, a database table with three columns and few code-lines to make this work.