My Mix10 coup de coeur

If you ask me what was my Mix10 coup de coeur, I’d have to say Bill Buxton.  I was privileged to spend an hour an a half in a small room with about twelve people and Bill Buxton.  This man has such a incredible background and he is so inspiring.  You could really tell that he is a researcher because as he was talking about something, you could see him thinking about something else and trying at the same time to cross reference that.


Here’s a list of videos recorded at Mix.  The first one is the shortest one at 9 minutes.

Bytes by MSDN (Interviewed by Tim Huckaby, a legend himself)

Mix Day 2 Keynote (Last 1/4)

An Hour with Bill Buxton (His Mix session)

Bill Buxton & Microsoft Student Insiders at MIX10

Channel 9 Live at MIX10: Bill Buxton & Erik Meijer - Perspectives on Design

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