Guru Sarkar's Blog
Hide a Parent Node in TreeView if there is No ChildNodes
Passing Value to an OnCheckedChanged Event Handler of Checkbox Control
Customize CreateUserWizard Control with dropDownList for PasswordQuestion
Basic Steps:
Storing User Profile into a Custom Table using CreateUser Wizard control
I discussed how you can add extra controls to CreateUserWizard(CUW) Control in the blog post HERE.
Adding additional controls to CreateUserWizard (CUW) Control
Nothing fancy or new in this post.
Allow an unapproved user to change email address
Writing this with reference to the thread on forums. This post assumes you are using ASP.NET membership feature. Although the concept can be used if you have the same scenario.
Changing user password in Web.config
Say you have your user credientials placed in your web.config . How do you change the passord for a user programatically. Less talk, more code.
Setting authorization rules for a particular page or folder in web.config
I have seen so many people asking again and again how to give allow access to particular page to a person or roles. So I thought its good to put this in one place. I will discuss how to configure web.config depending on the scenario.