Renaming Microsoft Sourcesafe items through OLE automation
Today I had to rename a thousand items on Microsoft Sourcesafe just to conform to Enterprise Manager's item naming conventions. I would be out of luck, but fortunately Microsoft Sourcesafe allows OLE automation, so I created a new Visual Basic 6 project, added a new command button, renamed it to cmdRenameSourcesafeItems and add the following code to the Click event
Private Sub cmdRenameSourcesafeItems_Click()
Dim objVSSDatabase As SourceSafeTypeLib.VSSDatabase
Dim objVSSFolder As SourceSafeTypeLib.VSSItem
Dim objVSSItem As SourceSafeTypeLib.VSSItem
objVSSDatabase = New SourceSafeTypeLib.VSSDatabase
objVSSFolder = objVSSDatabase.VSSItem("$/ProjectX/Scripts", False)
For Each objVSSItem In objVSSFolder.Items
If objVSSItem.Name Like "SP*" Then
objVSSItem.Name =
"dbo." & Replace(objVSSItem.Name, ".sql", ".PRC") End IfDebug.Print(objVSSItem.Name)
NextSet objVSSFolder =
NothingSet objVSSDatabase =
NothingEnd Sub