First post using Windows Live Writer

Just downloaded and installed Windows Live Writer and that's my first post using it. Using it, some questions raised:

  1. Does anybody know how to integrate it with NewsCrawler, FeedDaemon, RSS Bandit, etc? I've once configured w.bloggar to work with such RSS readers and guess Windows Live Writer integration with such tools might be quite similar to the way w.bloggar integrates with them.
  2. Uploading photos to a ftp server is good, but what about uploading photos to or just referencing photos already hosted there? It would be a plus for me. What do you think about?
  3. I also have problems with maps. They haven't worked for me. And, hey, where are Google Maps? VirtualEarth is good, but Google Maps should have their place inside too.
  4. What about about Format > Align > Justify? So far, I have done it through HTML tweaking.

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