Luciano Evaristo Guerche
A brazilian geek interested in .NET technologies
Boring SQL server message errors
Last week, I created some scripts to move data from an old database to a new one. Some tables consisted of many fields and the old ones were not typed, that is, all fields where char, varchar, etc.
INSERT INTO targetTable ( targetField1, targetField2, targetField3, ... targetFieldN ) SELECT targetField1, targetField2, targetField3, ... targetFieldN FROM sourceTable
When I run the script, which was quite similar to the sample below, I got errors like the ones below.Server: Msg 245, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 Syntax error converting the varchar value '[varchar value here]' to a column of data type int. Server: Msg 8152, Level 16, State 9, Line 1 String or binary data would be truncated. The statement has been terminated.
Wouldn't these messages be nicer if they state field(s) name(s) like I rewrote below?Server: Msg 245, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 Syntax error converting the varchar value '[varchar value here]' to column '[column name here]' of data type int. Server: Msg 8152, Level 16, State 9, Line 1 String or binary data would be truncated on column '[column name here]'. The statement has been terminated.
Because of lack of column name on this message, I had spent a lot of time figuring out which field(s) were causing these errors. I would have spared a lot of time, if messages stated which field(s) I should take care of. If you know of other boring SQL server error message(s), drop a comment or trackback and let us know about. -
DA, aka Data Administrators + ERWin = MESS
Last week, I found out DA team, using ERWin to synchronize models and databases, had messed up with some foreign keys on a database I architected for an application I am developing and the FKs were missing. Then the question "How to find out which FKs are missing on a database made of about 200 tables?" popped up.
As both parent colum name and child column name have the same name on my database and PK indexes are all named like 'XPK_%', I created the script below to help me out. Take a look at it and let your comments./* DROP TABLE #constraints */ -- list all constraints on database SELECT dbo.sysobjects.parent_obj AS tableid, 'PK' AS constraintType, AS constraintName, AS keyColumn, dbo.sysindexkeys.keyno INTO #constraints FROM dbo.sysobjects INNER JOIN dbo.sysindexes ON = INNER JOIN dbo.sysindexkeys ON dbo.sysindexes.indid = dbo.sysindexkeys.indid AND = INNER JOIN dbo.syscolumns ON dbo.sysindexkeys.colid = dbo.syscolumns.colid AND dbo.sysobjects.parent_obj = WHERE dbo.sysobjects.xtype = 'PK' UNION ALL SELECT AS tableid, 'AK' AS constraintType, AS constraintName, AS keyColumn, sysindexkeys.keyno FROM sysindexes INNER JOIN sysindexkeys ON = AND sysindexes.indid = sysindexkeys.indid INNER JOIN syscolumns ON = AND sysindexkeys.colid = syscolumns.colid INNER JOIN sysobjects ON = WHERE (sysindexes.status & 2) <> 0 AND NOT LIKE 'XPK_%' UNION ALL SELECT sysobjects.parent_obj AS tableid, 'FK' AS constraintType, AS constraintName, AS keyColumn, sysforeignkeys.keyno FROM sysobjects INNER JOIN sysforeignkeys ON = sysforeignkeys.constid INNER JOIN syscolumns ON sysforeignkeys.fkeyid = AND sysforeignkeys.fkey = syscolumns.colid INNER JOIN syscolumns AS syscolumnsParent ON sysforeignkeys.rkey = syscolumnsParent.colid AND sysforeignkeys.rkeyid = INNER JOIN sysobjects AS sysobjectsParent ON = WHERE sysobjects.xtype = 'F' /* DROP TABLE #duplicateKeyColumns */ -- Since both parent and child column names are the same, duplicates which are PK/AK -- on some table might be the starting point of search SELECT AS columnName, COUNT(*) AS score INTO #duplicateKeyColumns FROM syscolumns sc INNER JOIN sysobjects so ON = WHERE so.type = 'U' AND NOT IN ('exclude list comes here') AND EXISTS( SELECT #constraints.keyColumn FROM #constraints WHERE #constraints.keyColumn = AND #constraints.constraintType IN ('PK', 'AK') ) GROUP BY HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 ORDER BY score DESC /* DROP TABLE #duplicateKeyColumnsRelatedTables */ SELECT AS columnName, AS tableName, CASE WHEN EXISTS( SELECT #constraints.keyColumn FROM #constraints WHERE #constraints.tableid = AND #constraints.keyColumn = AND #constraints.constraintType IN ('PK') ) THEN '*' ELSE NULL END AS [PK], CASE WHEN EXISTS( SELECT #constraints.keyColumn FROM #constraints WHERE #constraints.tableid = AND #constraints.keyColumn = AND #constraints.constraintType IN ('AK') ) THEN '*' ELSE NULL END AS [AK], CASE WHEN EXISTS( SELECT #constraints.keyColumn FROM #constraints WHERE #constraints.tableid = AND #constraints.keyColumn = AND #constraints.constraintType IN ('FK') ) THEN '*' ELSE NULL END AS [FK] INTO #duplicateKeyColumnsRelatedTables FROM syscolumns sc INNER JOIN sysobjects so ON = INNER JOIN #duplicateKeyColumns ON = #duplicateKeyColumns.columnName WHERE so.type = 'U' AND NOT IN ('exclude list comes here') AND ( EXISTS( SELECT #constraints.keyColumn FROM #constraints WHERE #constraints.tableid = AND #constraints.keyColumn = AND #constraints.constraintType IN ('PK', 'AK') ) OR NOT EXISTS( SELECT #constraints.keyColumn FROM #constraints WHERE #constraints.tableid = AND #constraints.keyColumn = AND #constraints.constraintType IN ('FK') ) ) ORDER BY #duplicateKeyColumns.score DESC, #duplicateKeyColumns.columnName, -- deletes all duplicate key columns which does not have table(s) missing any FK DELETE #duplicateKeyColumnsRelatedTables WHERE EXISTS( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #duplicateKeyColumnsRelatedTables AS duplicateKeyColumnsRelatedTablesSQ WHERE duplicateKeyColumnsRelatedTablesSQ.columnName = #duplicateKeyColumnsRelatedTables.columnName AND duplicateKeyColumnsRelatedTablesSQ.[FK] IS NULL HAVING COUNT(*) <= 1 ) -- for each column listed, one of the related tables, with PK containing the column name -- on its list, is the root of information. When you find the root (parentTable), all the -- other tables without FKs containing the column are the the tables missing FKs on them SELECT * FROM #duplicateKeyColumnsRelatedTables WHERE [FK] IS NULL
That's what we win when we play fair - part II
Next friday is holyday in Sao Paulo state. I and my wife have had planned for a trip. Today, my boss informed me I'll have to work on friday, saturday and sunday. Just not mentioned I have worked last saturday and friday. And we are said slavery is something left in the past...
That's what we win when we play fair
I am a MSDN Brazil subscriber. As so, regularly, I receive newsletters and the last ones informed about TechEd 2004 Brazil, happening 06/07/2004 through 08/07/2004. I forwarded all of them to my boss with no replies so far. Today she informed me our company is sponsoring her to go to TechEd 2004. That is a fair play, isn't it?
How to list nullable bit columns with no default bound with sp_bindefault
I generally create bit columns as NOT NULL DEFAULT dbo.BIT_NO, which in turn is a SQL server default which translates to 0. Today, I found out somebody on my team had created lots of bit fields on several tables as NULL with no default set. So I created the SQL statement below, to list these fields and make my life a bit easier. Comments are welcome. The fields I have to take care of is the ones with '*' on DNF column.
SELECT CASE WHEN dbo.syscomments.text IS NULL THEN '*' ELSE '' END AS [DNF], -- DNF = Default not found AS tableName, AS columnName, AS typeName, dbo.syscolumns.isnullable, REPLACE(dbo.syscomments.text, CHAR(13) + CHAR(10), '\n') AS [default bound with sp_bindefault] FROM dbo.syscolumns INNER JOIN dbo.sysobjects ON = INNER JOIN dbo.systypes ON dbo.syscolumns.xtype = dbo.systypes.xtype LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.syscomments ON dbo.syscolumns.cdefault = AND OBJECTPROPERTY(dbo.syscolumns.cdefault, 'IsConstraint') = 0 WHERE (dbo.sysobjects.type = 'U') AND ( = 'bit') AND (dbo.syscolumns.isnullable = 0) ORDER BY,
Visual Studio 2005 - Edition x Feature comparison chart
Visual Studio 2005 Beta 1 and the Express Edition Betas have launched
I must give some of the Express Editions a try. Let's start downloading right now...
[Via Christa Carpentiere]
[Via Duncan Mackenzie]
[Via Benjamin Mitchell]
[Via Tim Sneath]
[Via Bill McCarthy]
[Via Robert Scoble]
[Via Chris Sells]
[Via Kent Sharkey]
[Via Kent Sharkey]
[Via Dan Fernandez]
[Via Shawn Wildermuth] -
Problems syndicating some feeds lately
I have had problems syndicating some feeds lately. Can someone out there help me anyway? I send feedback to the webmasters, but no answer so far. Headlines. Could not read this feed due to invalid XML or the feed is in HTML. This may correct itself when the author updates the feed. The error was: O caractere '1', valor hexadecimal 0x31, não pode ser iniciado por um nome. Linha 20, posição 65..
Maxim V. Karpov
We were temporarily redirected to /simpleblog/Error.htm?aspxerrorpath=/simpleblog/BlogContent.asmx/GetRss but the link seems to be invalid. -
Video - Jeff Julian and Jason Beres ( How INETA Academic works with Microsoft on the Imagine Cup competition)
The buzz has been circulating about the Imagine Cup finals in São Paulo, Brazil from July 2nd to July 8th. Jeff is set to go. Amy is set to go. Scoble is jealous.
Were is that firewall ?
Since I came here to Mauritius, I have been exposed to an unfair amount of beauty. So much so that this simply cannot be natural. There must be something filtering out any woman that is not beautiful (the only ones you might come across are mainly tourists)... can it have something to do with the sugar cane plantations covering every peace of land that is not a village or beach?
[Via Abdelmalek Kemmou - Microsoft Regional Director for Casablanca, Morocco]