Jesus Rodriguez's WebLog

Microsoft MVP BizTalk Server Oracle ACE

  • New REST "must read" papers

      Two interesting REST-related documents have kept my attention this week.

  • Speaking at Oracle Open World

    This weekend I am heading to San Francisco to speak at Oracle Open World(OOW). The topic ( take a guess :) )Web Services interoperability between WCF and Oracle WebLogic. This time, I have the pleasure of sharing stage with Pyounguk Cho, Product Manager of the Oracle SOA Suite. We plan to show a real application that highlights some interesting WS-* WLS-WCF inteperability scenarios in terms of security, trust, reliable messaging, mtom and... JMS!!!  Also, this is not the only WCF session at OOW!!!!!, my good buddy Kent Brown (WCF Product Manager) will be  presenting a session about WS-AtomicTransaction interoperability...yeap it works ;).

  • Two new RDF specifications

    If you are a regular reader of this weblog you know I've been a big fan of the Resource Description Framework (RDF) for the last few years. One of my interests on RDF is its potential use on RESTful services. Unfortunately, from a practical standpoint, RDF hasn't caught up to alternative standards like the Atom Publishing Protocol (APP).  However the W3C folks keep doing a phenomenal job evolving RDF.

  • My latest article: Web Services federated identity patterns on the Architecture Journal

     As my buddy Vittorio already announced, the latest issue of the Microsoft Architecture Journal is now available. This edition includes an article about Web Services Identity Federation Patterns that I had the pleasure to coauthor with my friend Joe Klug. We've really tried to summarize some of the most common techniques and patterns for addressing the challenges of identity federation in Service Oriented environments.

  • WCF XAML injection

    During the last years there have been a lot of talks about the influence of dynamic and functional languages on techniques like dependency injection, aspect oriented programming etc.  Both paradigms are having a deep impact in the way we architect applications nowadays. Specifically, the world of Service Orientation has been a champion and early adopter of those techniques. On this post I would like to explore how to complement those techniques on WCF services with declarative mechanisms of expressing logic such as XAML.

  • Oracle WebLogic Server

      Oracle has taken the first step to consolidate the vision behind the BEA acquisition. The new version of Oracle WebLogic Server (10.3) is now available for download. I gotta admit that the name sounds a little weird ;)

  • Joe does SOA

    Tomorrow Joe Klug will be presenting a session about Microsoft’s Real World SOA vision at the Microsoft’s offices in Downers Grove, IL. As part of the session Joe will present a version of a demo we built last year as an example of how to use Microsoft Office SharePoint Server and windows Communication Foudantion to build composite applications on the Microsoft platform. If you are in the Chicago area and you are interested on how to combine Microsoft technologies to achieve Service Orientation you should swing by Joe’s session.