Upcoming Speaking Engagements

This summer, I took a brief break from speaking engagements to focus on shipping our new software in Tellago Studios and not stress my already hectic travel schedule. However, I’ve accepted a few invites to speak at different conferences during the fall and winter. Here is a brief list of the ones that are already confirmed:

Software Architect Conference (London) http://www.software-architect.co.uk

  • NodeJS for the .Net Developer
  • I am a .NET developer but I have an iPhone and an Android

Oredev (Malmö, Sweden): http://oredev.org/

  • Kinect for Windows Deep Dive

Cloud Computing Expo (Santa Clara, CA) http://cloudcomputingexpo.com/

  • Introducing the Enterprise Mobile Platform as a Service

Cloud & Virtualization Live (Orlando, FL): http://virtlive360.com/Events/2012/Home.aspx

  • Using Windows Azure to Build the Next Generation of Mobile Applications
  • Windows Azure in the Real World: From Idea to Production in a Few Months

I plan to add a few more events to the list in the next few weeks. If you are attending any of these conferences feel free to contact me via this blog so that we can sync up.

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