Speaking at Teched US 2011

Last week I presented two sessions at Microsoft Teched USA. This year my sessions were focus on Real World Windows Workflow Foundation and WCF Patterns.

 Do I like challenges or what? ;)

 Well, both sessions received were jammed packed and received an amazing feedback from developers using these technologies in real solutions. As a speaker, I always like interacting with the audience so needless to say I had a blast on both presentations. The videos for my sessions are now online at http://channel9.msdn.com/Events/TechEd/NorthAmerica/2011/MID402 and I will be posting the demos soon.

Part of the fun of starting a company is that I don’t find myself alone at conferences anymore ;). This year, Tellago’s Gustavo Machado ,  Suresh Girirajan and my business partner Elizabeth Redding also attended the event and try to, of course,  heckle the way through my sessions ;)

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